Tuesday, November 25, 2008


If you haven't realized it yet then you must be just as bad as me, I am a HUGE procrastinator. And I apologize. However, I am very proud of myself for getting this done. :)

The APSU 23Things really is very useful. At the same time though, I am doubtful on how much of all the technology I used and whether or not I will use it in my classroom, but only time will tell. I hope I am still enthusiastic enough once I get there.

I did enjoy doing all of it though and certainly learned a lot. Things I never knew you could do with a computer I did, and that is pretty impressive on my part. Since I'm not the most savvy at computers.

Thing #23

Plagiarism=death in college. That is why teaching students in high school the real importance of what not to do. Creative Commons is the perfect way to do that.

After fooling around with it, it becomes easier and easier, and it really breaks it down for you. I will definitely have my kids use the website in my classroom, especially for the research papers I am going to expect them to do.

It's time for people to start realizing that taking people's work without asking or citing them, is wrong.

Thing #22


This podcast is from the Learn Out Loud website. I love science, no brainer, and this is a perfect one to use. I think Podcasts are great for students and can be used a lot at home, like powerpoints. It just keeps things a little more interesting. Learn Out Loud was the easiest website for me to use.

Thing #21

Thing #20

Youtube is the best thing to kill time with. Thank goodness I knew what I was looking for. I love Youtube and so does everyone else. I will definitley use it my classroom for turtorials and even allow my students to make a Youtube video for a presentation.

Thing #19

Find more photos like this on TeacherPop

I really like TeacherPop and I will definitley sign up for it in the future. It is something that would be worth signing up for and being able to keep in touch with other teachers. This would be the first community that I would join.

Thing #18

Facebook and Myspace....tisk, tisk. It only promotes procrastination.

However, these sites are very useful websites when it comes to social interaction. Sometimes that is good and sometimes it is not. Professors and employers can use these websites to watch what their students are doing.

Some people see it as unprofessional and discourage the use of these at all.

I feel like facebook is more friendly to the college students and adults, while myspace if more for middle and high schoolers.

Thing #17

Delicious rocks. This program is so easy and user friendly, that only somebody who liked spending hours trying to find that information they found a couple weeks ago on that website they heard of through their aunts-cousins-husbands-stepsister twice removed. This is straight forward and can help you keep up with websites in an organized way and it is easy to share with other colleauges. I would definitely use this for my students as well. I will definitley give them research papers. So maybe bookmarking a good number of resources would be easier for them then just googleing it.

Thing # 16

IGoogle would probably help me out the most. It us really organized and had a lot of great tools. However, I am not a huge fan of online organizers. I carry around a planner everywhere I go so it is easy for me to have access to. However, an online calender could help out in case I did forget it somewhere or even lost it. But it is highly unlikely that I would ever use it regularly.
To-Do lists are a different story. I make one everyday. And I couldn't survive without them. An online would just be one more thing for me to look at. I would probably use it more for long term projects and things than the ones I need to get done that day.
Backpack was really userfriendly and seemed like something I could use later on to keep all of online stuff organized. It seemed more laid back, which is what I like.

Thing #15

Wiki's is great idea.
Wikipedia for a source has gotten me into trouble a couple times.
I think the concept of Wikis ia a great idea, but not being able to control it really could create a problem.

I might use this in my classroom, maybe more like an add-on fact sheet then an actual resource page. At the end of the semester it could be used more for a study guide to help them with their final. I am not for sure how I would use it, but for this being a more advanced type of technology, it would work great in the high school setting, which is where I will be.

Thing #14

Bubble.us, the mind map, is a website I will definitley use in my classroom. Being a science teacher, charts like this will definitely come in handy.
The mind maps are also an easy way to get your self organized and get the stuff you have to get done prioritized.
The flowcharts are a little harder to use but would also be great in a science classroom setting. That is all science is, flowcharts.

Thing #13

Zoho is a great account to have set up. There are tons of things to help out in the classroom. You can have places for invoices, notebooks, and even calendars, and a whole lot more. The website is really handy and also vey convienent. It is all in one place and very user friendly.

Thing #12


I loved the tools Google Book Search and Google Earth. I would definitely use both of these in my classroom. Google Books is great, especially to use for research papers and for extra resources and worksheets for me to give to my students. Google Earth is also a great tool, especially for a science class. This is a great way for students to look at the world in different ways and have more interaction with a computer and it's many resources.

Thing #11

Google Blog Search was probably the easiest one to use, but the searchs were always pretty vague. The website was really easy to use. Technorati was also pretty easy and gave me fewer blogs to look through but were more in the range of the subjuect I was looking for. Syndic8 gave me a headache when I tried to use it. The opening screen isn't even that friendly.
Chart Rigger was a blog I found that had to do with Pop Music news, which doesn't really interest me. But the reason I put it up here is because I find it amazing that people will blog about pretty much anything.

Thing #10

Subscribing to different blogs and feeds is a great idea. It is a whole lost easier than typing a keyword in a search engine, and coming up with 3,000,000,000 blogs to sift through. You already have the blog tagged and can look through it anytime you want.
Being able to reference to the tagged blogs in the classroom is great because you can use the same blogger, with their many stories, to tell to the classroom. I think it would be a great tool for libraries and classrooms.

Thing #9

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

It is way to close to the end of the semester, and none of us can afford to sleep if we plan to get everthing done.

I really like ImageChef.com. It was really fun to look at all the different templates I could use to make one of these, and I personally thing I did a pretty good one. ImageChef was the only website I could open up to use.

I think this would work a whole lot more for presentations and maybe a teacher's website, but other than that it might be kind of hard to intergrate into a classroom.

Thing #8

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I made this with Spell with Flikr. Hopefully I don't really turn out to be a evil scientist....but who really knows.

I think this is a great way for people to explore themselves, and the technology and personality used in the other websites I looked at were amazing. Any of those websites would be great to use by students and teachers, just to give their stuff a little more personality.

Thing #7

This was taken by Amin Tabrizi.

This is what my life is centered on, this book and anything else that ends in -logy. Sad i know, but I love it.

I really like using Flikr. I had a harder time posting my image in here than actually finding an image I liked.

This site can definitely help a classroom setting. It gives you a whole more images than google, and the images given actually have something to do with what you typed in the search engine.

Thing #6


So this is very cliche..but I think facebook really is very important for the world of technology. Especially for teachers and employers. No one really realizes how many people use Facebook and if they do, they don't seem to mind.
It can be a great communication tool for teachers and students alike, and I have had experience where people use it for those purposes.
However, in some cases Facebook is used to look at people's profiles to see what they are really like, outside the classroom. Some of my current professors have Facebook, the education department I know uses Facebook, and students can look at THEIR teacher's Facebook. People have to BE CAREFUL!
So I think Facebook can be a good tool to keep up with communication, but a bad tool on people's part of putting TOO much information on there.

Thing #5

School 2.0 is definitely a great way to bring technology into the classrooms. All teachers use technology is one way shape or form. Even if they are good at it or not, it is almost impossible to go one day without using SOMETHING that is technological. To me, that doesn't mean EVERYTHING needs to be done through technology....that would be mean the no more use for teachers. Technology is used to ENHANCE learning, not just create it. With the use of technology more and more, I think our best bet is that learning will grow more in the future.

Thing #4

Commenting is obviously important for this project and blogging in general. Without it, what is the point of posting. And sometimes, leaving that really sweet comment can make a person's day when it is going bad. I think that is something to remember. And sharing is another reason why people blog, so share with them some experiences you have gone through that are similar to theirs.

5 people in my class
1. Johnna Meece- She is one of my best friends and I thought she deserved a comment.
2. Tabitha Lewis - She is finished, I am not.
3. Shannon Ryan- I knew her in high school, and jealous she is further done with this than I am.
4. Rachel Finney- Also went to high school with her, she isn't done either.
5. Taylor Clinard- She cannot have a Facebook and still survive, unlike the rest of the world.

2 people not in my class (I'm not giving you their real names)
1. Lavidaladybird- One of my older friends who has had a blog forever, and all I ever do is read hers.
2. My Life On Fire- One of ladybirds blogging friends.

Thing #3

I definitely think I would use this for a classroom setting. It would be a great way for teachers, students, colleagues, and parents to keep up with things and each other. This is just as easy as email once you get the hang of it and it could give everyone a chance to work with even more technology than usual. The only thing that would be a problem is people saying things that are inappropriate or teachers and colleauges bringing up things that are not meant for students and parents to see.

Thing #2

So in this Thing we had to creat a Avatar. Once again, I had a hard time. Trying to do things on the computer just doesn't work out for me all too well. However, I got it done and I am pretty proud of the outcome. Hopefully I will be that College Professor that I hope to become. And I think she looks like me.

Working to set up the blog was a whole lot easier, and I am starting to get the hang of it. I don't know if I will continue to use it after this class though, but we will see.

The name of my page is Clumsy Bloomer. I choose it because, well I'm clumsy. And since my last name is Bloom, and everyone calls me that, I thought I would add that in there too.

Thing #1

Setting up this blog was more difficult then I thought. But that just might be because I am not so great with computers. Which brings me to the discussion on the fact that the hardest 7 and 1/2 Habit for me would be to "Use technology to your advantage". I am the most unsavvy computer person, EVER! I just turn the computer off if it starts to act up, it's too much for me to handle. That is definitely something I need to work on. The easiest for me would probably have to be "Making time for play." Maybe I made too much time but for me, I sometimes just have to calm down, leave something, and then come back to it. This also causes me to procrastinate....uhoh.

This whole blogging thing might really be a whole lot harder than I thought. Guess we will have to see.